Issue Position: Foreign Policy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

I support a foreign policy based on trade, not war. I support efforts to open dialog and trade with even the most oppressive regimes, including Cuba, North Korea and Iran.

By talking and trading with these countries, we learn each other's perspective and create a mutual interest in the people and economy with whom we trade.

When we exclude foreign military activities from the calculation, foreign aid makes up only about 2% of our total budget, including costs to maintain our embassies throughout the world.

I oppose foreign aid to the extent dollars are transferred to foreign governments to prop up supposedly friendly governments especially to the extent those dollars go to foreign military spending.

I support foreign aid to the extent it is used by Americans to help nations like Japan and Haiti in the event of natural disasters.

Americans are uniquely equipped to help other nations in an emergency and such experience will improve our skills in responding to our own emergencies.
